prgmAVLIBTST is a test suite for prgmAVLIB written in TI-BASIC. It only tests the basic functionality of prgmAVLIB. It does NOT check to make sure it handles bad input correctly; you should do this manually if necessary. It also does not check operation 5 because operations 2 through 4 use the same code that operation 5 does. When you run it, you need to press [ENTER] after each step. For each step that succeeds, you will see the contents of Str2, if applicable, and the word "OK". If all steps succeed, Ans will contain the string "OK" and you will see "prgmAVLIB works!" at the top of your screen. If a step fails, you will see this at the bottom of your screen, and prgmAVLIBTST will exit: FAILED: Op. X Exit code Y Above, X is the operation attempted, and Y is the exit code. (The real variables X and Y are not changed.) Ans will also contain a list where the first element is the operation attempted, and the second element is the exit code. prgmAVLIBTST is released under the same license (the X11 License) as prgmAVLIB.