MSAgent Character Data Specification

Spec Version:1.3
Last updated:June 10, 2009
Written by:Remy Lebeau
Copyright:© 2003-2009 Lebeau Software.
All Rights Reserved.

Permission to copy and distribute this document is granted so long as the contents of this document are not altered. Any additions or modifications to this document shall be submitted to the author for review and inclusion in future releases by the author. Contributors will be credited accordingly.

In no event shall Lebeau Software, Microsoft Corporation, or any individuals or other organizations listed in this document, be held liable for any use of the information contained herein. This information is provided as-is for educational purposes.

The information contained in this specification was gathered through observation of Microsoft Agent data files, and may not be entirely accurate or complete. Use it at your own risk.

This specification is in no way sponsored, supported, or condoned by Microsoft Corporation, and is the sole work of Lebeau Software and credited individuals and organizations.

Microsoft Agent is Copyright ©1996-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Table of Contents

Data Formats


The following specification outlines the ACS, ACF, and ACA file formats of Microsoft Agent version 2. At this time, this specification does not explore the file formats for Microsoft Agent version 1. I hope to include that information in a future version of this specification.

I have been a long-time supporter of the MSAgent technology, and became curious about its inner workings. This specification outlines my efforts to learn the format of the data files used for the animated Characters, in preparation for future projects that can utilize existing and future MSAgent animated Characters without use of the MSAgent engine produced by Microsoft. Primarily, I want to do this to help to streamline the technology, improve upon it if possible, and then eventually port it to other platforms which Microsoft does not support MSAgent on.

Why do this? Because I think that MSAgent is a fascinating technology. It provides a relatively simple way to add animated, interactive personalities to software applications and web pages. Sure, other technologies exist that accomplish the same thing. But many of them are more complicated to develop with than MSAgent. I think MSAgent still has untapped potential. On the other hand, it has been on a downward spiral the past few years. Partially due to lack of new versions released by Microsoft. Partially due to lack of much visibility in the marketplace. I'd hate to see the technology die altogether. So I try to do my part to help it in any way I can.

Data Types

All structures mentioned in this specification are based on the following C/C++ data types:

    DATA TYPE   DESCRIPTION              VALUE RANGE (inclusive)
    BYTE        8-bit unsigned char      0 to 255
    WCHAR       16-bit signed wchar_t    -32,768 to 32,767
    SHORT       16-bit signed short      -32,768 to 32,767
    USHORT      16-bit unsigned short    0 to 65,535
    LONG        32-bit signed long       -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
    ULONG       32-bit unsigned long     0 to 4,294,967,295

The high-order BYTE of a value is the most significant BYTE. The high-order bit of a BYTE is the most significant bit.

For example, a ULONG value of decimal 16909060 (hex 0x01020304) is stored as follows:

    (hex)     0x04 0x03 0x02 0x01
    (binary)  00000100 00000011 00000010 00000001

Win32 API Data Structures

The following structures are provided by the Windows API and are listed here for reference purposes. These structures are publically documented by Microsoft, and as such their full descriptions are omitted from this specification.


A GUID is a globally unique identifier for an object.

    ULONG       1           Data 1
    ULONG       1           Data 2
    USHORT      1           Data 3
    BYTE        8           Data 4


The BITMAPINFOHEADER structure contains information about the dimensions and color format of a device-independent bitmap (DIB).

    ULONG       1           Size of this structure (in BYTEs)
    LONG        1           Width (in pixels)
    LONG        1           Height (in pixels)
    USHORT      1           # of planes (always 0x01)
    USHORT      1           # of bits per pixel
    ULONG       1           Type of compression
    ULONG       1           Size of image data (in BYTEs)
    LONG        1           Horizontal resolution, pixels per meter
    LONG        1           Vertical resolution, pixels per meter
    ULONG       1           # of color indices in color table
    ULONG       1           # of important color indices


The RGBQUAD structure describes a color consisting of relative intensities of red, green, and blue.

    BYTE        1           Red value
    BYTE        1           Green value
    BYTE        1           Blue value
    BYTE        1           Reserved (always 0x00)


The ICONIMAGE structure contains information about the dimensions and color format of an icon.

    BITMAPINFOHEADER  1           Icon Header
    RGBQUAD           variable    Color Table
    BYTE              variable    XOR Mask Bits
    BYTE              variable    AND Mask Bits


The LangID structure is used to specify a language locale, including primary and sublanguage identifiers. Refer to the Windows API documentation for the MAKELANGID() macro for a list of possible values.

    USHORT      1           Primary/Secondary language ID


The RECT structure defines the coordinates of the upper-left and lower-right corners of a rectangle.

    LONG        1           X-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle
    LONG        1           Y-coordinate of the upper-left corner of the rectangle
    LONG        1           X-coordinate of the lower-right corner of the rectangle
    LONG        1           Y-coordinate of the lower-right corner of the rectangle


The RGNDATAHEADER structure describes the data returned by the GetRegionData() function.

    ULONG       1           Size of this structure (in BYTEs)
    ULONG       1           Specifies the type of region
    ULONG       1           # of rectangles that make up the region
    ULONG       1           Size of the buffer required to receive the RECT structure that specifies the coordinates of the rectangles that make up the region
    RECT        1           Specifies a bounding rectangle for the region in logical units


The RGNDATA structure contains a header and an array of rectangles that compose a region. The rectangles are sorted top to bottom, left to right. They do not overlap.

    RGNDATAHEADER  1           Region Header
    BYTE           variable    Contains the RECT structures that make up the region


All Audio Data in MSAgent is formatted as standardized Resource Interchange File Format (RIFF) chunks, as described in the WAV Format Specification. The RIFF and WAV specifications are provided by Microsoft separately.

The Audio Data can be used as-is with any RIFF-enabled output, such as DirectSound, the Win32 API PlaySound() function, etc. The Audio Data is never compressed in MSAgent, although it may be compressed and/or encoded separately before the Character data files are compiled. The appropriate codec(s) need to be installed on the target machine beforehand in order to process the Audio Data for playback.

Data Structure Lists

Many of the structures described in this specification appear as standalone items, as well as lists of multiple items of the same structure type. When a list of items of a given structure type is present, the list items are immediately preceeded by a numeric value specifying how many items are in the list.

If a structure described in this specification is available in a list format, the definition of the structure will include the data type used for the list count, in parenthesis. When the list is used in another structure, the keyword "LIST" will be specified as the Quantity. For example:


    ULONG       1           Value 1
    USHORT      2           Values 2-3
    BYTE        4           Values 4-7


    SAMPLE      LIST        List of SAMPLE Items

In the example above, a list of 4 items of type SAMPLE would consist of 50 BYTEs total, as follows:

    USHORT      1           # of Items in the List
    SAMPLE      4           Items of SAMPLE type

For the rest of this specification, the general definition of a structure list is as follows:


    <COUNTTYPE>    1           # of Items in the List
    <STRUCTURE>    variable    Items of <STRUCTURE> type

Common Data Structures

The structures in this section describe data that is commonly used in the ACS, ACF, and ACA formats.


The STRING structure contains printable characters, usually for human-readible display.

    ULONG       1           # of Characters
    WCHAR       variable    String Characters

The character data in the ACS format includes a Null Terminator (0x0000). However, the number of characters does not include the terminator. In other words, a STRING with a count of 5 will contain 5 characters and a 6th character for the terminator. If the count is 0, then no character data is present at all, and no terminator is present.

The character data in the ACF format never includes a Null Terminator (0x0000).

The STRING structure is not used in the ACA format.


The STATEINFO structure specifies the supported animations that are assigned to a particular Character State.

    STRING      1           State Name
    STRING      LIST        Animations in State

Refer to the "Designing Characters for Microsoft Agent" documentation provided by Microsoft for more information regarding how Character States work.


The LOCALIZEDINFO structure contains Character information that is localized to a particular language locale. A Character can support multiple locales.

    LANGID      1           Language ID
    STRING      1           Character Name
    STRING      1           Character Description
    STRING      1           Character Extra Data


The PALETTECOLOR structure contains an entry for the color palette that is used when rendering images. All images in a character must use the same color palette.

    RGBQUAD     1           Color value


The VOICEINFO structure contains the default settings for the Character's spoken TTS output. Once a Character has been loaded, an application or web page can override these settings prior to performing TTS operations.

    GUID        1           TTS Engine ID
    GUID        1           TTS Mode ID
    ULONG       1           Speed
    USHORT      1           Pitch
    BYTE        1           Extra Data Flag
                                0x00 = not present
                                0x01 = is present

If Extra Data is present, the following values immediately follow the above:

    LANGID      1           Language ID
    STRING      1           Language Dialect
    USHORT      1           Gender
    USHORT      1           Age
    STRING      1           Style


The BALLOONINFO structure contains the default settings for the Character's word balloon that is displayed during TTS output. Once a Character has been loaded, an application or web page can override these settings prior to performing TTS operations.

    BYTE        1           # of Text Lines
    BYTE        1           Characters per Line
    RGBQUAD     1           Foreground Color
    RGBQUAD     1           Background Color
    RGBQUAD     1           Border Color
    STRING      1           Font Name
    LONG        1           Font Height (in logical units)
    LONG        1           Font Weight (in the range 0 - 1000)
                                0x0190 = normal
                                0x02BC = bold
    BYTE        1           Italic Flag
                                0x00 = disabled
                                0x01 = enabled
    BYTE        1           unknown (possibly underline/strikeout flag?)


The TRAYICON structure describes the icon that appears in the Windows System Tray while the Character is loaded in the MSAgent engine (if the icon is available).

    ULONG       1           Size of Monochrome Bitmap Data (in BYTEs)
    ICONIMAGE   1           Monochrome Bitmap Data
    ULONG       1           Size of Color Bitmap Data (in BYTEs)
    ICONIMAGE   1           Color Bitmap Data

The icon is comprised of two separate images - a monochrome bitmap and a color bitmap. To produce the final image, first the colors of the monochrome bitmap are combined with the colors of the target device context using the Boolean AND operator. Then the colors of the color bitmap are combined with the colors of the target device context using the Boolean XOR operator.

In Win32 programming, DDBs (device-dependant bitmaps) can be created from the two ICONIMAGE structures by using CreateBitmap() and CreateDIBitmap(), and then the resulting HBITMAP handles can be passed to CreateIconIndirect() to create an HICON handle.


The BRANCHINFO structure describes a particular branch for an animation frame. Branches are used to specify the order in which frames are displayed when playing an animation.

    USHORT      1           0-based Index of Frame to jump to
    USHORT      1           Probability %

Refer to the "Designing Characters for Microsoft Agent" documentation provided by Microsoft for more information regarding how Branches work.


The DATABLOCK structure contains an arbitrary-sized block of information.

    ULONG       1           Size of Data (in BYTEs)
    BYTE        variable    Data

Compression Algorithm

Microsoft Agent implements a custom scheme for compressing data. Below are direct quotes from Microsoft's own postings in the microsoft.public.msagent newsgroup describing the algorithm used for compressing and storing data.

    February 3, 1999
    Message ID: <>

        "The compression that Agent uses is a proprietary, lossless, bit level compressor....The images are stored only once...the compressor does run length encoding...the image is compressed as a contiguous buffer."

    May 30, 2000
    Message ID: <#OMEQ4ky$>#1/1

        "Agent does NOT compress audio files."

    November 1, 2001
    Message ID: <#OFR1bvYBHA.1456@tkmsftngp07>

        "Frames accept multiple images to enable a developer to create an animation frame out of multiple pieces...all the overlays and base image are composited for the frame."

    February 21, 2002
    Message ID: <3c751da1$>

        "The transparent area around the a character's image and mouth image is compressed out."

    February 25, 2002
    Message ID: <3c7a78d3$>

        "...the editor uses its own compression which is more efficient than GIF to compile the character."


Compressed data is formatted as follows:

    BYTE        1           Always 0x00
    BYTE        variable    Compressed Data
    BYTE        6           Always 0xFF

The Compressed Data is a stream of bits representing sequences, where each bit sequence describes how to decompress a single BYTE, or a range of BYTEs.

Compressed BYTEs are decompressed inside the destination buffer as the buffer is being written to. Meaning that after one or more BYTEs has been decompressed into the buffer, later bit sequences can make copies of those BYTEs in order to fill in other areas of the same buffer. If a range of BYTEs is duplicated multiple times in the original data, this approach cuts down on the number of bits needed within the bit stream to duplicate the same uncompressed BYTEs over and over in the buffer. In other words, the more repetition there is in the original data, the smaller the data will compress.

The first bit of a sequence specifies the type of data that follows the bit:

    0         a single uncompressed BYTE
    1         compressed range of at least 2 BYTEs

If a sequence represents an uncompressed BYTE, the 8 bits following the above bit are the uncompressed BYTE.

If a sequence represents a compressed BYTE range, the remaining bits of the sequence are processed as follows:

  • The initial count of the number of BYTEs that will be decoded from the sequence is 2.

  • Count the number of sequential bits which have a value of 1. The maximum number of bits is 3. The count of sequential bits specifies the number of bits that make up the next value in the sequence:

        # BITS      VALUE BIT COUNT
        0           6
        1           9
        2           12
        3           20

    If the count of sequential bits is less than 3, skip past the bit that has a value of 0 which ends the sequential bits. The next value in the sequence follows the skipped bit.

    If the count of sequential bits is 3, do not skip the 4th bit. It is part of the next value in the sequence.

  • Using the bit count from the previous step, take the numeric value that is made up of the specified number of bits and add the following numeric value to it:

        6           1    (0x0001)
        9           65   (0x0041)
        12          577  (0x0241)
        20          4673 (0x1241)

    This final numeric value is an offset, in BYTEs, within the destination buffer, subtracted from the buffer's current insertion point.

    If the value bit count is 20 bits and the numeric value is 0x000FFFFF before adding 4673, the end of the bit stream has been reached. Otherwise, increment the count of BYTEs to be decoded by 1 and continue with the next steps:

  • Following the offset bits, count the number of sequential bits which have a value of 1. The maximum number of bits is 11. If the 12th bit is 1 then an error occured. Otherwise, continue with the next steps.

  • Add the numeric value that is made up of the bits in the previous step, if any, to the count of BYTEs to be decoded.

    Do not count the bit that has a value of 0 which ends the sequential bits. Skip past it.

    The count of sequential bits is also the number of remaining bits in the sequence.

  • Add the numeric value that is made up of the remaining bits, if any, to the count of BYTEs to be decoded.

    This final count is the number of BYTEs to copy from the above offset to the current insertion point. Copy the BYTEs one at a time, incrementing the insertion point after each BYTE, as the copying may overlap past the original insertion point.


    Here is an example of decoding a compressed block of Region Data from the ACSIMAGEINFO structure:

    Compressed Data

        00 40 00 04 10 D0 90 80
        42 ED 98 01 B7 FF FF FF
        FF FF FF

    Bit Stream


    Bit Stream Breakdown

        000000100 000000000 100000000
        010000000 10110000100 10000000101
        000010101 1011100011001 100000001110110
        0                        single uncompressed BYTE
        00000100                 value = 0x20
        0                        single uncompressed BYTE
        00000000                 value = 0x00
        1                        compressed BYTE range
        0                        offset bit count = 6, decoded BYTE count = 2
        000000                   offset = (0+1) BYTE
        0                        increment decoded count by 0
        -                        increment decoded count by 0
                                 copy (2+0+0) BYTEs into buffer
        0                        single uncompressed BYTE
        10000000                 value = 0x01
        1                        compressed BYTE range
        0                        offset bit count = 6, decoded BYTE count = 2
        110000                   offset = (3+1) BYTEs
        10                       increment decoded count by 1
        0                        increment decoded count by 0
                                 copy (2+1+0) BYTEs into buffer
        1                        compressed BYTE range
        0                        offset bit count = 6, decoded BYTE count = 2
        000000                   offset = (0+1) BYTE
        10                       increment decoded count by 1
        1                        increment decoded count by 1
                                 copy (2+1+1) BYTEs into buffer
        0                        single uncompressed BYTE
        00010101                 value = 0xA8
        1                        compressed BYTE range
        0                        offset bit count = 6, decoded BYTE count = 2
        111000                   offset = (7+1) BYTEs
        110                      increment decoded count by 3
        01                       increment decoded count by 2
                                 copy (2+3+2) BYTEs into buffer
        1                        compressed BYTE range
        0                        offset bit count = 6, decoded BYTE count = 2
        000000                   offset = (0+1) BYTE
        1110                     increment decoded count by 7
        110                      increment decoded count by 3
                                 copy (2+7+3) BYTEs into buffer
        1                        compressed BYTE range
        111                      offset bit count = 20, decoded BYTE count = 3
        11111111111111111111     0x000FFFFF (end of bit stream)

    Decoded Data

        20 00 00 00 01 00 00 00
        00 00 00 00 A8 00 00 00
        00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
        00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
            dwSize = 32
            iType = RDH_RECTANGLES
            nCount = 0
            nRgnSize = 168
            rcBound = {0, 0, 0, 0}

    ACS Format

    The ACS data format contains everything about the Character in a single file. An ACS file is designed for high performance, since all of the relavant data is stored in one place.

    An ACS file should be installed on the machine that will be accessing it. On Windows machines, ACS files are installed in the "%WINDIR%\MSAgent\Chars\" folder by default, where "%WINDIR%" is the folder that Windows itself is installed in. ACS files can also be loaded into the MSAgent engine programmably from any path on the machine or network.

    In addition to the Common Data Structures, the ACS format includes the following structures:


    The ACSLOCATOR structure is used to specify the exact location within the data file where a particular block of information can be found.

        ULONG       1           0-based BYTE Offset from the Beginning of File
        ULONG       1           Size of Data (in BYTEs)


    The ACS data format begins with a header structure which identifies the data as being the ACS format. It contains the locations of the rest of the ACS data.

        ULONG       1           Signature, Always 0xABCDABC3
        ACSLOCATOR  1           Location of ACSCHARACTERINFO Structure
        ACSLOCATOR  1           Location of ACSANIMATIONINFO List
        ACSLOCATOR  1           Location of ACSIMAGEINFO List
        ACSLOCATOR  1           Location of ACSAUDIOINFO List


    The ACSCHARACTERINFO structure describes the dimensions and characteristics of the Character.

        USHORT              1           Minor Version
        USHORT              1           Major Version
        ACSLOCATOR          1           Location of LOCALIZEDINFO List
        GUID                1           Unique Identifier for the Character
        USHORT              1           Character Width (in pixels)
        USHORT              1           Character Height (in pixels)
        BYTE                1           0-based Index of Transparent Color in Color Table
        ULONG               1           Flags (see below)
        USHORT              1           Animation Set Major Version?
                                                02 00
        USHORT              1           Animation Set Minor Version?
                                                00 00
        VOICEINFO           1           Voice Output Info (if enabled)
        BALLOONINFO         1           Word Balloon Info (if enabled)
        PALETTECOLOR        LIST        Color Table
        BYTE                1           System Tray Icon Flag
                                            0x00 = disabled
                                            0x01 = enabled
        TRAYICON            1           System Tray Icon (if enabled)
        STATEINFO           LIST        Animation States

    The Flags are comprised of the following bits:

        0-3       unknown
        4         Voice Output
                      0 = disabled
                      1 = enabled
        5-7       unknown
        8, 9      Word Balloon disabled/enabled (respectively)
                      (I don't know why Microsoft separates these bits)
        10-15     unknown
        16-18     Word Balloon Styles
                      Can contain any combination of the following:
                          0x01 = size to text enabled
                          0x02 = auto hide disabled
                          0x04 = auto pace disabled
        19        unknown
        20        Standard Animation Set
                      0 = not supported
                      1 = supported
        21-31     unknown 


    The ACSOVERLAYINFO structure describes information about a particular mouth overlay for an animation frame. Mouth overlays are displayed only during the Character's spoken TTS output.

        BYTE        1           Overlay Type (see below)
        BYTE        1           Replace the Top Image of the Frame
                                    0x00 = disabled
                                    0x01 = enabled
        USHORT      1           0-based Index of Image in ACSIMAGEINFO List from the ACSHEADER structure
        BYTE        1           unknown
        BYTE        1           Region Data Flag
                                    0x00 = not present
                                    0x01 = is present 
        SHORT       1           X-offset from top of Frame (in pixels)
        SHORT       1           Y-offset from top of Frame (in pixels)
        USHORT      1           Width (in pixels)
        USHORT      1           Height (in pixels)
        DATABLOCK   1           Region Data (if present)

    The Overlay Type can be one of the following:

        0x00 = mouth closed
        0x01 = mouth wide open 1
        0x02 = mouth wide open 2
        0x03 = mouth wide open 3
        0x04 = mouth wide open 4
        0x05 = mouth medium
        0x06 = mouth narrow

    The Region data is a RGNDATA structure.

    A frame can be composited using multiple images. If the "Replace Top Image" flag is enabled, the top-most image defined for the frame is substituted with the overlay image. Otherwise, the overlay image is placed over the frame's top-most image instead.

    Note: The Width and Height are expressed as values that have been divided by 2. I do not know why Microsoft is doing that.


    The ACSFRAMEIMAGE structure describes a particular image used for an animation frame. A frame can be composited using multiple images, and a single image can be shared by multiple frames.

        ULONG       1           0-based Index of Image in ACSIMAGEINFO List from the ACSHEADER structure
        SHORT       1           X-offset from Top of Frame (in pixels)
        SHORT       1           Y-offset from Top of Frame (in pixels)


    The ACSFRAMEINFO structure describes a particular frame in an animation sequence.

        ACSFRAMEIMAGE       LIST        Images used to Composite the Frame
        USHORT              1           0-based Index in ACSAUDIOINFO List from the ACSHEADER structure
        USHORT              1           Frame Duration (in 1/100 seconds)
        SHORT               1           0-based Index of Frame to Exit to in Animation
        BRANCHINFO          LIST        Frame Branches
        ACSOVERLAYINFO      LIST        Mouth Overlays

    The Frame Images are composited in reverse order from last to first.

    Refer to the "Designing Characters for Microsoft Agent" documentation provided by Microsoft for more information regarding how Exit Frames work.

    Note: the Exit Frame index may be -2. I am not sure the significance of this value yet, but it seems to only appear in the last frame(s) of an animation


    The ACSANIMATIONINFO structure describes information about a particular animation.

        STRING            1           Animation Name
        ACSLOCATOR        1           Location of Animation Information
    The Animation Information is as follows:

        STRING            1           Animation Name (in uppercase)
        BYTE              1           Transition Type
                                          0x00 = use return animation
                                          0x01 = use exit branches
                                          0x02 = no transition
        STRING            1           Return Animation (in uppercase)
        ACSFRAMEINFO      LIST        Animation Frames

    Refer to the "Designing Characters for Microsoft Agent" documentation provided by Microsoft for more information regarding how Animation Transitions work.


    The ACSIMAGEINFO structure describes information about a particular frame image.

        ACSLOCATOR  1           Location of Image Information
        ULONG       1           Checksum?
    The Image Information is as follows:

        BYTE        1           unknown
        USHORT      1           Width (in pixels)
        USHORT      1           Height (in pixels)
        BYTE        1           Image Compression Flag
                                    0x00 = not compressed
                                    0x01 = compressed
        DATABLOCK   1           Image Data
        ULONG       1           Size of compressed Region Data (in BYTEs)
        ULONG       1           Size of uncompressed Region Data (in BYTEs)
        BYTE        variable    Region Data

    The Image Data is the raw bitmap bits. Refer to the Win32 API documentation for the BITMAPINFOHEADER structure for details about how the bits are formatted. The Image Data has 1 Plane and a Bit Count of 8, and does not use any pixel compression.

    If the Compression Flag is not 0 then the Image Data is compressed. The number of BYTEs needed for allocating a suitable buffer prior to decompressing the data can be calculated by rounding the Image Width up to a ULONG boundary and then multiplying it by the Image Height. For example:

        ((Width + 3) & 0xFC) * Height)

    The Region data is a RGNDATA structure. If the Compressed Size is 0 then the data is not compressed, and the size of the data is the specified uncompressed size. If the Compressed Size is not 0, then the size of the data after decompression should match the specified uncompressed size.

    Refer to the Compression Algorithm section for details about the format used for compressing data.


    The ACSAUDIOINFO structure describes information about a particular block of waveform audio.

        ACSLOCATOR  1           Audio Data
        ULONG       1           Checksum?

    Refer to the RIFF Audio section for details about the format used for audio data.

    ACF Format

    The ACF data format contains just the Character's core information. The animation data is stored in separate ACA files, one for each animation. ACF/ACA files are designed to be download from a remote location, such as an HTTP server, and thus are relatively small to reduce network traffic. Because the animations are stored separately, they must be downloaded before they can be played. On the other hand, the benefit is that they can be downloaded individually on an as-needed basis without having to download all of the Character's data beforehand, unlike with ACS files which have to be loaded in full.

    In addition to the Common Data Structures, the ACF format includes the following structures:


    The ACF data format begins with a header structure which identifies the data as being the ACF format.

        ULONG               1           Signature, Always 0xABCDABC4
        ULONG               1           Size of uncompressed Character Data (in BYTEs)
        ULONG               1           Size of compressed Character Data (in BYTEs)

    Following the header is an ACFCHARACTERINFO structure.

    If the Compressed Size is 0, the ACFCHARACTERINFO data is not compressed, and the size of the data is the specified uncompressed size.

    If the Compressed Size is not 0, the size of the data after decompression should match the specified uncompressed size.

    Refer to the Compression Algorithm section for details about the format used for compressing data.


    The ACFANIMATIONINFO structure specifies the name of the ACA file for a particular animation.

        STRING         1           Animation Name
        STRING         1           ACA Filename
        STRING         1           Return Animation (in uppercase)
        ULONG          1           ACA Checksum

    The ACA filename has no folder path included in it. ACA files must be stored in the same folder as the ACF file.

    The Checksum value matches the checksum in the ACAHEADER structure of the ACA file.

    At the time of this writing, the algorithm used for calculating the Checksum has not been determined yet.


    The ACFCHARACTERINFO structure describes the dimensions and characteristics of the Character.

        USHORT              1           Minor Version
        USHORT              1           Major Version
        ACFANIMATIONINFO    LIST        Animations
        ULONG               1           Flags (see below)
        GUID                1           Unique Identifier for the Character
        LOCALIZEDINFO       LIST        Character Localized Info
        USHORT              1           Character Width (in pixels)
        USHORT              1           Character Height (in pixels)
        BYTE                1           0-based Index of Transparent Color in Color Table
        PALETTECOLOR        LIST        Color Table
        STATEINFO           LIST        Animation States

    The Flags are comprised of the following bits:

        0-3       unknown
        4         Voice Output
                      0 = disabled
                      1 = enabled
        5-7       unknown
        8, 9      Word Balloon disabled/enabled (respectively)
                      (I don't know why Microsoft separates these bits)
        10-15     unknown
        16-18     Word Balloon Styles
                      Can contain any combination of the following:
                          0x01 = size to text enabled
                          0x02 = auto hide disabled
                          0x04 = auto pace disabled
        19        unknown
        20        Standard Animation Set
                      0 = not supported
                      1 = supported
        21-31     unknown 

    ACA Format

    The ACA data format contains information about a specific animation for a Character that is described in a separate ACF file.

    In addition to the Common Data Structures, the ACA format includes the following structures:


    The ACA data format begins with a header structure which identifies the data as being the ACA format.

        USHORT      1           Minor Version
        USHORT      1           Major Version
        ULONG       1           Checksum
        BYTE        1           Compression Flag
                                   0x00 = not compressed
                                   0x01 = is compressed

    The Checksum value matches the checksum in the ACFANIMATIONINFO structure of the ACF file.

    At the time of this writing, the algorithm used for calculating the Checksum has not been determined yet.

    Following the header is an ACAANIMATIONINFO structure.

    If the Compression Flag is 0, the ACAANIMATIONINFO data is not compressed.

    If the Compression Flag is not 0, the ACAANIMATIONINFO data is immediate preceeded by the following structure:

        ULONG       1           Size of uncompressed Data (in BYTEs)
        ULONG       1           Size of compressed Data (in BYTEs)

    The size of the data after decompression should match the specified uncompressed size.

    Refer to the Compression Algorithm section for details about the format used for compressing data.


    The ACAIMAGEINFO structure describes information about a particular frame image.

        ULONG       1           Size of Image Data (in BYTEs)
        BYTE        1           unknown
        BYTE        variable    Image Data
        DATABLOCK   1           Region Data

    The Image Data is the raw bitmap bits. Refer to the Win32 API documentation for the BITMAPINFOHEADER structure for details about how the bits are formatted. The Image Data has 1 Plane and a Bit Count of 8, and does not use any pixel compression.

    The Region Data is a RGNDATA structure.


    The ACAAUDIOINFO structure describes information about a particular block of waveform audio.

        DATABLOCK   1           Audio Data

    Refer to the RIFF Audio section for details about the format used for audio data.


    The ACAOVERLAYINFO structure describes information about a particular mouth overlay for an animation frame. Mouth overlays are displayed only during the Character's spoken TTS output.

        BYTE        1           Replace the Top Image of the Frame
        BYTE        variable    Base Image Info (if Replace Flag is 0x01)
        BYTE        1           Overlay Type (see below)
        ULONG       1           Size of Image Data (in BYTEs)
        BYTE        1           unknown
        BYTE        1           Region Data Flag
                                    0x00 = not present
                                    0x01 = is present
        SHORT       1           X-offset from top of Frame (in pixels)
        SHORT       1           Y-offset from top of Frame (in pixels)
        USHORT      1           Width (in pixels)
        USHORT      1           Height (in pixels)
        BYTE        variable    Image Data
        DATABLOCK   1           Region Data (if present)

    The Overlay Type can be one of the following:

        0x00 = mouth closed
        0x01 = mouth wide open 1
        0x02 = mouth wide open 2
        0x03 = mouth wide open 3
        0x04 = mouth wide open 4
        0x05 = mouth medium
        0x06 = mouth narrow

    If the "Replace Top Image" is 0x00, the Base Image Info is not present. Otherwise, it is defined as the following:

        DATABLOCK   1           Base Image Data
        DATABLOCK   1           Base Region Data

    Unlike frames in ACS files, frames in ACA files do not contain a list of multiple images. If multiple images are specified when the frame is defined by the character author, they are composited into a single image when the ACA file is compiled. If the "Replace Top Image" flag is 0x00, the overlay image is placed on top of the frame image specified by the ACAFRAMEINFO structure. If the "Replace Top Image" flag is not 0x00, the Base Info for the overlay is the complete frame image without the top image present. The Overlay is placed on top of this image rather than the frame image specified by the ACAFRAMEINFO structure.

    The Image Data is the raw bitmap bits. Refer to the Win32 API documentation for the BITMAPINFOHEADER structure for details about how the bits are formatted. The Image Data has 1 Plane and a Bit Count of 8, and does not use any pixel compression.

    Note: The Width and Height are expressed as values that have been divided by 2. I do not know why Microsoft is doing that.


    The ACAFRAMEINFO structure describes a particular frame in an animation sequence.

        USHORT              1           0-based Index of Image in ACAIMAGEINFO List from the ACAANIMATIONINFO structure
        USHORT              1           0-based Index of Audio in ACAAUDIOINFO List from the ACAANIMATIONINFO structure
        USHORT              1           Frame Duration (in 1/100 seconds)
        ULONG               1           unknown
                                                00 00 00 00
        SHORT               1           0-based Index of Frame to Exit to in Animation
        BRANCHINFO          LIST        Frame Branches
        ACAOVERLAYINFO      LIST        Mouth Overlays


    The ACAANIMATIONINFO structure describes the characteristics of the Animation.

        ACAAUDIOINFO   List        Frame Sounds
        ACAIMAGEINFO   List        Frame Images
        BYTE           1           Transition Type
                                       0x00 = use return animation
                                       0x01 = use exit branches
                                       0x02 = no transition
        ACAFRAMEINFO   1           Animation Frames

    Specification Change History

    June 10, 2009 - Version 1.3 released publically

    November 15, 2006 - Version 1.3 (not released yet)

    June 18, 2004 - Version 1.2 (not released yet)

    March 14, 2004 - Version 1.1 released publically

    March 31, 2003 - Version 1.0 released publically